Friday, July 13, 2012

Throwback (Secondary School)

Sekolah Menengah Pertama. 
Well, my first two weeks being a junior high student was a very tough one. Amongst all of my yearmates, only three that got into the same school with me and not all of them were my closest friends. I was really the one who rely myself on my friends, when they're gone, I always feel my world fall apart. I started to lose my appetite, begged my parents to move me to another school, I skipped the orientation for the new students, less focus on class, and didn't want to know or meet new people. Tapi siapa sangka, masa SMP adalah masa yang paling banyak memberikan warna menurut saya. Dimana saya mulai mencicipi sedikit kebebasan yang lebih besar, jatuh hati dengan banyak pria (ini geli tapi asli), bertemu dengan teman-teman dari bermacam golongan dan strata sosial, sering cabut kelas, nyontek, ketemu cowok-cowok yang suka nonton bokep, dll.

I am gonna start with this one. When I was in secondary school, I met some friends that changed my taste for music. I'd love to say I started to falling love with Alternative Rock genre. Good Charlotte and Paramore were on my tops. I once played in a band, not really a band, we were just playing together for the performance at (again) our School's Pensi. This is the video when we played Good Charlotte's song: The River, back then. I am the one with the bass, pardon my boyish-ness.

I don't remember much about my experience in OSIS but still, I really want to tell the pieces. I became part of OSIS SMP Negeri 1 Bekasi 08/09 with a-you can call-nepotism-way. OSIS di SMP saya ini memang organisasi yang banyak berhubungan dengan sekolah. That was why, my teacher from student affair division, always made sure the members of OSIS are the students that bisa diajak "kerja sama". Nah, apparently, this teacher seemed love me (that much) who was very sweet, calm, and of course, obedient (Those were true back then, I swear, hahaha). This teacher had already told me to join OSIS but I didn't take the enrollment form because I was not really into all of that "organization thing", I was the-don't-talk-too-much-girl-who was enjoying her time earning money and scholarship from mathematics competition(s) or spending most of her times doing sports back then in secondary school, and made friends only with few (classmates and basketball teammates only). But I was sitting in front of the class where this teacher coincidentally was having a speech for the OSIS candidates, and she called me to come inside then join the party without necessarily going through any selection. And like I said before, I was the obedient one, saya pun bergabung dan menjadi Ketua Sekbid 7, membawahi semua ketua divisi bidang olahraga di sekolah. OSIS had a big impact on pushing me to know and meet more people in school, learned how to be rebel (karena kebetulan belum mengenal kata bandel dari teman kelas yang disebut kelas unggulan itu), skipped classes, dan mulai belajar move on dari kegalauan karena ekskul basket mulai redup semangatnya sejak ditinggal pelatih tercinta (I'll tell more in another part). PENTAS SENI it is, my best memory about OSIS.

OSIS SMP Negeri 1 Bekasi 08/09

Science Olympiad.
I was part of my school's science olympiad squad, mathematics to be exact. Never made it to national level but it had a big influence with my financial aid: scholarship, pocket money, prize, etc. Not only about money, it also taught me a lot about determination and hardwork. I passed the selection test for science olympiad training program named Science Center FMIPA UI, and being trained for 5 months. Saya bertemu banyak orang di sana, dari berbagai kalangan dengan berbagai karakter serta prestasi. Jadwal teratur dan tersusun untuk apapun, mandiri selama karantina, tidur malam untuk belajar, berusaha keep up dengan orang-orang yang penuh determinasi tinggi, idealisme tinggi dalam hal menyontek. Saya tidak pernah terbiasa akan hal itu, sebelumnya saya hampir tidak pernah belajar di atas jam 7 malam dan selalu sudah tidur pukul 9 malam. Orang-orang di sana, termasuk dosen dan mahasiswa yang membantu selama pelatihan, membuat saya untuk pertama kalinya ingin stand and fight for something.

Siswa Pembinaan SCFMIPA UI 2008 (Mat-Fis)

I spent most of my times in junior school doing sports, basketball to be exact. Bahkan bisa dibilang saya lebih sering latihan basket daripada masuk sekolah. Basket membantu saya menyembuhkan kesedihan kelewat mendalam setelah berpisah dengan sekolah dasar. Not that I love the game, I just fell in love with the people in it. The coach, seniors, friends, all helped me to overcome my biggest problem: introvert-ness.
"Basketball Is My Life"
It sounds cheesy but I couldn't find other words to describe it. We practice EVERYDAY, including weekends; we spent holidays together; we hang out a lot; we shared stories; capek bareng; sedih bareng; susah bareng; and we did push-up, sit-up, etc everyday. The glorious of SMP 1's basketball team had a big impact with the way school treated us. Mau apa tinggal minta, uang pendaftaran pertandingan, uang makan, uang transport, uang minum, izin absensi kelas, bisa dibilang basket adalah bidang olahraga yang paling disayang sekolah, di waktu itu. Sebelumnya sih, boro-boro. Moreover, we once had a manager who was the son of one of the aristocracy in the city, all the teachers loved him. Pulang tanding/latihan kami sering ditraktir, fasilitas berupa bola dan alat pendukung lainnya mulai dilengkapi, untuk berangkat ke tempat pertandingan kami sering menggunakan mobil dinas ditambah dengan kawalan polisi, kadang saya jadi merasa bersalah sangat menikmatinya dahulu, hahaha.
Turning point dimana kecintaan saya terhadap komunitas ini menurun adalah saat pelatih kami dulu memutuskan untuk pindah ke Amerika. I was so broke... kalaupun masih latihan hanya karena sekalian untuk menghabiskan sisa waktu sekolah sampai lulus saja. Belum lagi, walaupun saya memiliki junior basket yang sangat lovely, saya tetap mengalami masa-masa sulit ketika setiap tahunnya kehilangan senior-senior yang berperan besar dalam "menemani" saya di masa sulit awal sekolah. Going back to the old-the girl who cannot easily move-me: kelas 3 adalah puncak saat saya kembali ke masa itu, sampai saya bertemu dengan OSIS yang membuat kehidupan SMP saya terasa semakin sempurna.

Basket Cewek SMP Negeri 1 Bekasi (P.S. Couldn't find any other good picture)

P.S. Masih belum tahu hukumnya republish dokumentasi orang yang tadinya belum pake kerudung, dan sekarang udah. Hahahaha.

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Living without any similarity is way better than living with an effort to eliminate the dissimilarity. The pressure is there.