Karena 1 jiwa adalah 1 individu yang berbeda dari yang lainnya,
tidak ada yang berhak memukul rata,
tidak ada yang sanggup mengelompokkan,
kenali mereka, satu persatu.
Pandang mereka dari semua sisi.
Karena itu satu-satunya cara,
always take the positives.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Random chat grup
P (Ilmu Politik): BBM naik diiringi naiknya angka kemiskinan, pengangguran, kriminalitas, bunuh diri, dll. Satu kata: LAWAN!
Y (Ilmu Politik): Yang nikmatin subsidi juga yang punya uang, kasian pemerintah, mending buat yang lain duitnya. Takut sembako mahal? Tenang aja pemerintah punya aturan yang bagus kok, percaya aja dulu.
P (Ilmu Politik): Yang udah-udah juga gitu kan, percaya aja dulu. Nyatanya???
K (Hukum): Anggaran negara emang udah jebol, mau gak mau harus naik, bbm Indonesia terlalu murah. Mending anggaran untuk yang lain, infrastruktur misalnya.
D (Teknik Geologi): Bener, mending dipake benerin jalan di Pekayon noh.
H (Ilmu Ekonomi): Coba pandang dari dua sisi yang berbeda ya. Besok gue ketemu dpr kok diskusi, insyaAllah disampaikan aspirasinya ya!
U (Teknik Kimia): Kalo jadi naik, bilang pemerintah energi alternatifnya jangan diumpetin terus, kasian insinyur-insinyur
R (Polisi): Ujung-ujungnya kalo demo juga gue yang repot.
Klimaks. Hahahaha.
Y (Ilmu Politik): Yang nikmatin subsidi juga yang punya uang, kasian pemerintah, mending buat yang lain duitnya. Takut sembako mahal? Tenang aja pemerintah punya aturan yang bagus kok, percaya aja dulu.
P (Ilmu Politik): Yang udah-udah juga gitu kan, percaya aja dulu. Nyatanya???
K (Hukum): Anggaran negara emang udah jebol, mau gak mau harus naik, bbm Indonesia terlalu murah. Mending anggaran untuk yang lain, infrastruktur misalnya.
D (Teknik Geologi): Bener, mending dipake benerin jalan di Pekayon noh.
H (Ilmu Ekonomi): Coba pandang dari dua sisi yang berbeda ya. Besok gue ketemu dpr kok diskusi, insyaAllah disampaikan aspirasinya ya!
U (Teknik Kimia): Kalo jadi naik, bilang pemerintah energi alternatifnya jangan diumpetin terus, kasian insinyur-insinyur
R (Polisi): Ujung-ujungnya kalo demo juga gue yang repot.
Klimaks. Hahahaha.
Monday, June 10, 2013
I wish I could stop thinking.
Well, I’m too young to talk about
life. Most people have been through hell, makes me feel like I’m still in
heaven, waiting for Allah to release me. Freak, am I making my own birth?
People always have good sides. Sometimes, I hate to show mine, because when people see goods, they expect goods, and I don’t wanna live up people's expectation. But some-most-times, I do expect. I do expect people to do me any good. And when you want something from others, you have to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, understand what they want and need, then give it.
Cause in order to get something, you have to give something. That’s a must for me, no excuse.
There are values, they said, norms,
that became rules. People rule people. We all are trapped in the world full of
rules. Sometimes I want to be free, living my own way. It always feels great
when I’m alone, far from what we called “society”, I don’t have to see, to
talk, to think, to care, to feel everything. Everything that seems getting
harder to be trusted. (Then I realized, men, I still feel
something. In the beginning of sentence I said I feel great about it -_-)
People warn other people, to keep
everything on the lines, they said. But all I can see is they are just judging
another, and another judging others.
Allah berfirman:
“Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam keadaan merugi, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman, beramal saleh, dan mereka yang saling mengingatkan tentang kebenaran dan saling mengingatkan tentang kesabaran.'' (QS Al-Ashr [103]: 1-3).
Tidak ada yang salah dari firman Allah
tersebut. Karena hanya Allah yang bisa aku percaya. At least my father said
that to me when I was in kindergarten. That was weird actually, aku bahkan
belum tahu Allah itu apa. Cara manusia
menafsirkan, memahami, dan mengaplikasikan firman Allah yang berbeda.That’s why
my father said I should go find the “truths” myself, don’t ask anyone cause no
one can be asked.
Then I started to write a list of my
questions -afraid I can’t remember all those questions when I’m dead- and
planning on asking them to Allah when I meet Him. It started with the first question,
“Why fork is created by human not God?”. Ada sebuah ujian yang saya kerjakan
ketika saya masih di Taman Kanak-Kanak, tentang mana benda ciptaan Tuhan, mana
ciptaan manusia. I got a “D” for that test, while my friends got an “A” or at
least “B”. I got a fight with my
kindergarten teacher after I received my score, debating how incredible fork is
and that’s nonsense if there are many-I thought-incredible things created by
human not God. I’m still working on that list until now, and that first
question is still there. I don't intend to ask that question to anyone.
Then I realized, I trust no one.
But I also realized, I need people to
trust me. And in order to get it, you have to give it. Then I'm starting to give it.
I wish I can make my own birth again,
but I’m way too afraid of what my life
will be before I meet Allah.
Here I am, spending my life, sick of
thinking what is wrong or right, who is wrong or right.
And that’s a saying, when you think
more than you need, you will lose your mind.
I do think too much, they said.
But I’m not feeling I’m losing myself,
I just never knew who I was.
Who I am.
Who I will be.
And I’m feeling scared of thinking
about them.
I wish could stop thinking.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
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