Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Living without any similarity is way better than living with an effort to eliminate the dissimilarity.

The pressure is there.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Pada Akhirnya, Semua Kembali Kepada Awalnya.

Yang katanya serius dan butuh kesabaran,
nyatanya dinamis dan menggairahkan,
Yang katanya kecil dan tidak dilihat orang,
nyatanya merupakan kebutuhan dasar.

Ini adalah tentang mengenal perilaku manusia,
dan juga tentang memahami komoditas dengan nilai informasi tinggi.

Jadi ini yang namanya jawaban Tuhan atas doa dan penantian panjang.
Tidak ada yang lebih baik daripada waktu dimana kamu lebih semangat untuk pergi daripada pulang.

Karena pekerjaan yang baik adalah hobi yang dibayar.

The feeling is priceless.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Value What You Do.

Recently, I saw many meme(s) about the salary/income comparison between two or more job/proffesion. One of them said:

Well, in daily life I also often hear the same way of thinking. Such as:

“Kalo jadi dokter lama balik modalnya woy. Bayar kuliahnya mahal, sekolahnya lama, sekarang tunjangan kesehatan udah mulai banyak banget pula.”

But life is not only about doing mathematics, I guess.

I saw many people see other people by what car they drive, how big is their house, how much salary they earn. Some also do not love what they do in their job, mostly because they feel the salary is not fair and else. And it makes me feel sad somehow. I am sad to see people are not happy with their life just because the unhappiness they made themselves, when it actually is already there. 

Not trying to be hypocrite, money is important. But from the past 6 months earning (not so much) money by myself, I think money is just a temporary rush. There are so many other highs. Work itself is not only about doing what your superior told you and the salary you deserved at the end of the month, but also about how your spirit in self study, self improvement, self development, and most importantly: what value you want to give to your surrounding.

And you will get nothing from what you are doing if you don’t give your all in doing it.

Since I was in elementary school, my dad always asked me the same question everytime I got my academic report at the end of school semester:
“What do you want to be in the future?”
And I always caught up with the same answer:
“I want to be rich.”
Then he always came up with the same respond:
“If you want to be rich, you don’t need to continue your school. Just learn to make a tasteful fried chicken, a really tasteful one and sell them like Harland Sanders did with KFC.”

Well somehow I just got the meaning of the conversation was all about him wanted me finding my own purpose and value of life.

Because life is not only about how much money you earn, but what value you want to bring for people around.

If you are an engineer, you just make the life of people easier.

If you are a doctor, you spread the hopes of live of many people.

If you are an actor, you spend your time entertaining people.

If you are an office boy, you contribute to make the environment clean and comfort.

If you are a fried chicken seller, you fulfill people’s appetite.

They are all different and have their own value.  
And you are what you choose to be.

I just came up with the idea of writing it down after a deep conversation with my dad days ago. He said he is still not happy with his life because of his failure of bringing the value he ever wanted to bring in his life.

And his dream was simply to be a driver. Who drives everyday bringing daily needs from city for people in countryside.

(Meanwhile his one and only car was sold to marry my mom, HAHAHA)


New comer who has just finished her final presentation for probation period.

And still hoping her happiness is always that simple and alive with her.

This writing is written as a self reminder.

You can have your own reason and way to live.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Praise to God.

Kadang untuk mencapai tujuan utama kita akan melewati jalan memutar, disitulah kita menemukan banyak hal yang jauh di atas ekpektasi kita.

Thank You, Allah.
I love my life.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Thanks To Today's Internet.

Today’s internet shows us that:
  1.  Knowledge have no limitation
  2. World is full of conspiracy
  3. People no longer have privacy

I was once a big fan of social media, especially its ability to fulfill my “stalking desire”. It was good to see other people’s (artists, to be specific) lifestyles. It is easy to find someone’s personal information. We would know their appearance simply by scrolling their photos on facebook; their way of talking or writing style can be judged from their twitter or blog; we also can easily know how they think about something by reading their blog or status; linkedin gives us their professional life information starting from their schools and also their experiences, skills, achievements, and position in their job; how their friends treat or thinking about them by seeing their tags (and read the caption) on instagram; and snapchat or today’s instagram fiture: snapgram show us their daily activity. 

I was happy that social media helped me a lot to accelerate the process of building relation(friend)ship because I could easily know people’s interest and had a good conversation with them.

But someday, I get bored.

(Ditambah perkembangan media social yang cepet banget sampe gak bisa ngikutin sumpah gila)

Then I decided to go back to the old days: to directly interact more.

I found that there are so many things we can learn from (direct) human interaction. 
You would appreciate people’s privacy more, not all people want to talk about themselves or tell you something you want to know, either they don’t trust you or they just don’t want to tell you. But you need to live with that, then you will learn how to comfort them till they want to tell you (atau ya masih gak mau ngasih tau jadi kita bisa belajar hargai privasi orang). 

You also will find that some people may not trust you but when the others do, you don’t want to waste their trust. And, once you get the information you will find that is worth the struggle and you are going to appreciate that (and yourself) more. 

The most beautiful thing that you will get with doing more direct human interaction is you can see another (good) side of people. People just show you things they want to show in their social media. But somehow you are not always what you write. It is easy to judge people from their social media but apparently people have more good sides in them to look up to. 

Dan buat saya yakin bahwa:

“Dunia ini adalah sekolah, dan semua makhluk hidup di dalamnya adalah guru.” -RAZ

Yang mengajarkan saya banyak bentuk kebaikan, menjadikan saya manusia yang lebih baik, dan memberikan saya kepercayaan penuh bahwa setiap orang punya sisi baik yang bisa dicontoh dan sisi buruk yang tidak perlu dikomentari.

Thank you, today’s internet. You taught me that there is always a good in going back.

The feeling is priceless.


Fresh gradute who is still feeling grateful for her 4 years of incredible college life.


Living without any similarity is way better than living with an effort to eliminate the dissimilarity. The pressure is there.