Thursday, November 22, 2012

Seems like forever.

"Hi, Utari. We chose the sharp-pebbled steep path, and Allah did accept our choice. Everything does happen for a reason. So let's just give our best and wish that this rocky path will lead us to be a better human. Fyi, you're not fighting alone. Meloveya!" -DUN

4 years seems like forever.

Friday, November 16, 2012



I'm on caricature!

Made by: cowok paling funky di alam semesta: CAHYA AHMAD wkakak #handmade


Thank God for giving me these people. Dhrs.

BATIK 2012

"Where the stars gather to share their undying-amazing life"

SMAN 1 Bekasi.
BATIK 2012. 
A-more-than-sweetest place to rely on.

Made by: Ungga (CI-6)

I did not regret.

"I don't regret the things I've done. I regret the things I didn't do when I had the chance"


18th birthday!

Kata orang 17 itu paling manis. Mitos. Buat gue 17 itu manis, tapi boleh nggak sih bilang kalo hari dimana gue menginjak 18 tahun adalah hari termanis yang pernah terjadi.
Waktu itu gue dikasih surprise di sekolah sama di rumah Rizky, banyak makanaaaaaan! Dan yang paling ngena itu mereka ngasih gue kebab hahaha makanan surga. Terakhir gue dikasih birthday video. Sweetest video ever. Isinya greeting dari beberapa anak BATIK.
Btw, in that day, my sweetest best friend, Tiara, was in US and she made a birthday-greeting-video for me! Itu puncak dimana gue nangis sekejer kejernya. Dan ternyata gue masih harus tarik nafas buat lanjutin nangis. Karena.......... di akhir video ada Ariel yang ngasih ucapan...... AH bunda :"
Gue nggak tau gimana ngegambarinnya, tapi yang jelas gue gak pernah mau kehilangan temen temen ternista dunia akhirat ini. Dhrs, Cnbg, Kmbg, CIFA, x-two, Ourlife, Saviour, dan BATIK'12. <3

17th birthday!

For me, it's just another day. There's nothing such a special thing in a day that we called birthday. Tapi beberapa orang telah membuatnya lebih dari istimewa. Thank you Duhers, Cnbg, Ourlife, X-two, and BATIK'12! 

ps: I got Pevita's signature and birthday video AAAAA sweetest seventeen ever <3

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Coldplay - Paradise (cover)

Coldplay - Paradise covered by ThePianoGuys

Recommended by Annisa Putri Haryanti.
Such a good video to watch <3

Saturday, November 10, 2012


"Seseorang tidak harus menjadi sempurna untuk bicara

tentang satu hal baik. Tidak juga boleh bicara tentang satu hal

baik, dengan seolah-olah ia sempurna."

Paramore - Feeling Sorry

A complex one.

"When God, once, gave you a chance to make your life simpler. But you chose to live in a complex one."

Gadis Goceng

A: Ta, ini baju yang lima ribuan itu?

#utasigadisgoceng #dailyspoken

#1 Must Visit Place


#1 Must Visit Place

Papua, Indonesia.

Golongan Darah

A: Ta, golongan darah kamu pasti O
B: Iya kak, kok tau?
A: Soalnya golongan darah O itu biasanya random, ngomong langsung ke pointnya, nggak peduli detail, jauh dari perfeksionis, dan nggak suka match match warna baju.
B: ................................


Saturday, November 3, 2012


Living without any similarity is way better than living with an effort to eliminate the dissimilarity. The pressure is there.